Sunday, January 30, 2011
ISBN 9780073534428 Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish (Student Edition) [Hardcover]
Buy this Good Book ISBN 9780073534428 Puntos de partida: An Invitation to Spanish Cheap price at Giant Store Online Click here
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
As the best-selling introductory Spanish textbook in the United States, Puntos de partida has long been a favorite of instructors across the country. For this new edition, the authors and editors of Puntos have turned to those very instructors to help formulate a plan that would respond to the needs of a changing discipline. We reached out to more than 275 students and instructors across the country, and the result is a thoroughly revised edition that we are confident will address new needs and preferences while continuing to provide the solid foundation in communicative language development that is the hallmark of Puntos de partida.
About the Author
Marty Knorre was formerly Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Coordinator of basic Spanish courses at the University of Cincinnati, where she taught undergraduate and graduate courses in language, linguistics, and methodology. She received her Ph.D. in foreign language education from The Ohio State University in 1975. Dr. Knorre is coauthor of Cara a cara and Reflejos and has taught at several NEH Institutes for Language Instructors. She received a Master of Divinity at McCormick Theological Seminary in 1991.
Thalia Dorwick retired as McGraw-Hill's Editor-in-Chief for Humanities, Social Sciences, and Languages. For many years she was also in charge of McGraw-Hill's World Languages college list in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, and Russian. She has taught at Allegheny College, California State University (Sacramento), and Case Western Reserve University, where she received her Ph.D. in Spanish in 1973. She was recognized as an Outstanding Foreign Language Teacher by the California Foreign Language Teachers Association in 1978. Dr. Dorwick is the coauthor of several textbooks and the author of several articles on language teaching issues. She is a frequent guest speaker on topics related to language learning and she was also an invited speaker at the II Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española, in Valladolid, Spain, in October 2001. In retirement, she consults for McGraw-Hill, especially in the area of world languages, which is of personal interest to her. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of Case Western Reserve University and on the Board of Directors of the Berkeley Repertory Theatre.
Ana M. Pérez-Gironés received her M.A. in General Linguistics from Cornell University and is currently Adjunct Professor of Spanish at Wesleyan University where she coordinates the Spanish language program. She is co-author of Puntos de partida and ¿Qué tal?, and has published pedagogical materials for several other Spanish language programs. She has worked extensively in the development and implementation of computer-assisted materials for learning language and culture, such as Nuevos Destinos and most recently, En una palabra.
William R. Glass is the Publisher for World Languages at McGraw-Hill Higher Education. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Spanish Applied Linguistics with a concentration in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education (SLATE). He was previously Assistant Professor of Spanish at The Pennsylvania State University where he was also Director of the Language Program in Spanish. He has published numerous articles and edited books on issues related to second language instruction and acquisition.
Hildebrando Villarreal is Professor of Spanish at California State University, Los Angeles, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in language and linguistics. He received his Ph.D. in Spanish with an emphasis in Applied Linguistics from UCLA in 1976. Professor Villarreal is the author of several reviews and articles on language, language teaching, and Spanish for Native Speakers of Spanish. He is the author of ¡A leer! Un paso más, an intermediate textbook that focuses on reading skills.